Evaluation of cases of organophosphorous poisoning in population
Author(s): Dr. Roshan Perera
Abstract: Background: Organophosphorus pesticide self-poisoning is a major clinical and public-health problem across much of rural Asia. The present study was conducted to assess the organophosphorous poisoning in population. Materials & methods: The present study was conducted in department of forensic medicine. It comprised of 138 cases of organophosphorous poisoning of both genders. Parameters such as manner of poisoning, occupation and clinical findings were recorded. Results: Out of 138 patients of OP poisoning, males were 78 and females were 60. Age group 0-10 years had 13 patients, 11-20 years had 38 patients, age group 21-30 years had 45 patients, age group 31-40 years had 28 patients 40-50 years had 10 and >50 years had 4 patients. The difference was significant (P-0.01). 42% were farmers, 27% were labourer, 20% were housewives, 6% were students and 5% were businessmen. Common symptoms were nausea/ vomiting (62%), excessive secretions (50%), muscular weakness (40%), diarrhea (34%), abdominal pain (46%), drowsiness (12%), crackles (68%), tachycardia (24%), bradycardia (17%) and hypotension (8%). Conclusion: Organophosphate (OP) compounds lead to serious complication when consumed accidently, homicidal or suicidal.
DOI: 10.33545/27074447.2019.v1.i1a.3Pages: 07-09 | Views: 2136 | Downloads: 1028Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Dr. Roshan Perera.
Evaluation of cases of organophosphorous poisoning in population. Int J Forensic Med 2019;1(1):07-09. DOI: